Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #127

8 hours, misc fixes.

Pause menu into restart run button works. Pause menu into m brings up the main menu correctly.

Section 1, the tutorial, has practice style check pointing at phase start, even during a run.

Save phase 1 portal function of ReduceCompletion no longer hardens glow only components to fade them out.

Flier spawners no longer take damage from launch bomb. Flier spawns cannot take damage until their vulnerabilities have appeared.

Resetting to section 0 phase 2 skips the return launcher fade in and the platform always shrinks on section exit.

On phase reset the player has the correct gun to match their collected pick ups. Cleaned up the process of updating the player's gun outside of a save phase.

Platform layer reduction is more visible and no longer has hitches in emissive intensity.

Changed the way phase resets treat launch actions. If the phase advances while the player is performing a launch action, the launch action selection state will not be refunded. I was already finding ways to abuse the refund, it's not a skill that makes sense, so I'm removing it.

Project #14 Day #128

Project #14 Day #126