Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #128

8 hours, QA. Time for a quick break. I'll be taking a few days off to look around for places to apply, reach out, and have some actual honest down time.

 Removed all instances of delay from the game mode. They were causing a number of different sequence breaks.

Solved an issue where the portal would not add glow to components that had already been rendered glowing but had their glow removed during save phase 1.

Being grabbed by a walker disables the recalculation of launch velocity.

Tightened the control on pick up spawn calls.

Solved some issues where the field resizing pre-play could strand the player off platform unfairly through phase loads.

Lots of work in the design doc so that I know what my next set of goals are when I come back.

Project #14 Day #129

Project #14 Day #127