8 hours, overdue cleaning. Took yesterday off to celebrate a birthday. We should be back to design work tomorrow with these last few items off the white board.
Solved objects refusing to surrender their occupied tiles if destroyed the frame they are created.
Section 1 platform expansion delay now functions in all three instances.
Once over on walker pathing and goal selection. When the walker goes to track a goal that is over the abyss, the walker will drop that goal and reset its tracking target to the player. This has stopped the awful habit of walkers pathing toward the player and not grabbing them because they only want to grab their goal, but their goal is over the abyss and the player is just their back up. Reordered some of the pathing code to be more efficient.
Pick ups no longer call for walker trackers when they are over the abyss.
The gold split data displayed on a section total hover is now the sum total of all gold splits for the given section, not the best total section time.
Tried make it so that gold splits only come from phases that lead toward victory condition completion, but for the moment this in not possible. Shifted down the priority list, details are in the doc.