8 hours, tile calculations.
Found and fixed an error that was causing the center tile to incorrectly score itself at distance 1 because the find adjacent tiles test was finding static mesh components that did not belong to the arena floor and would log those as tiles.
Sec 1 Phase 1 has a new break point instead of accelerating up to player pace. After the first two waves of 4 and 2 walkers spawn there is a break before the reverse sequence is spawned. This break has been made just long enough for the field to be cleared. The phase has been adjusted with threat checks in all stages that advance phase on field clear. Currently the window is quite tight, could be loosened up later.
Sec 1 Phase 1 pick ups spawns are done with the parameterized spawn. First spawned on the edge, second spawned min 4 distance away. Core phase play is the same, but the player is no longer incentivized to sit on the sure spawn tiles at the start.
The parameterized spawns cannot spawn an object on the same tile as the player to reduce instances of ridiculous luck / sadness.
Phase end data knows whether to enable all the HUD elements associated with tracking committed section 1 PUs. Associated functions on timers are stopped after player death.
Shooters now spawned with the parameterized non-occupier.
Fixed walkers not launching.
FSJ near sights and launches the player away, no longer locks out weapons.