Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #188

8 hours, phase split visualization.

When the play menu is loaded the last three improved performances saved to run and to practice are each displayed on progress bars on either side of the screen. The placement for these is not final. If less than 3 are on deck for a given type, then bars without data are not visible. One bar displays the split data from the current save data, the others show older performances. Whenever a continuity is going to be overwritten, the data required for the visualization is moved into its own variables set in the save data for reference by the play menu. At the moment, only section 1 data can be shown on the bars. I'll be fixing that tomorrow.

Fixed walker deaths causing the player to stop moving.

Fixed some references in the section report generation that were causing the collected pick up count to always register 0.

Section 0 tweaks.

Changing how information about portal pick ups is stored to make saves easier.

Project #14 Day #189

Project #14 Day #187