Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #246

8 hours, saving tutorial status.

When the menu is spawned for a menu tour, an enum, tracking the farthest menu tour reached, is set in the loaded save data and the data is saved. When the player boots the game and clicks through the main menu, the play menu will check this enum to determine what menu tour, if any, it boots into.

Solved the issue of losing data sets that should be embedded into the run menu bars. It was from a sequencing error. The data is now pulled aside before any save data is committed and then called upon if needed.

Started a polish pass of section 0, breaking text out to specific characters and trying to take it slower so that it can be read. The goal is to make a new video of the tutorial sequence in the coming weeks.


Project #14 Day #247

Project #14 Day #245