8 hours, combat design.
A bunch of numbers tweaks as I get section 2 closer to a happy state. In particular the rates at which time dil is gained and lost. Decreased the cost of offensive action across the board today, and reversed the time drain situation from more drain at low dil, to more drain at high dil.
Dil is now considered to be coming from a single pool that is added to and subtracted to as a contiguous unit. Also the drain based on time played is now taken from the pool, not from each bar.
Nothing is in stone yet, in fact I’m still largely just getting my thought together which can be found in the new Combat Nitty Gritty Work Space Doc.
Changed powered data to travel toward player on spawn as a lower speed.
Cover letter work. Linked In updating. A little applying. Sorting out personal issues.
CM work was slight maintenance today.
Happy to have made it to the weekend. I’ve been exhausted this week and I hope that I can correct that this weekend. It has not been healthy.