Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #382

8 hours, combat design.

Made it so that flocks don’t wipe themselves when dying dealing damage to the player.

Tinkering with numbers on alt fire and so on.

A lot of design and document work. Having reworked alt fire 1 and prime fire 1 I’m going through the rest of the player kit to really figure out what makes sense and what’s fun. It don’t think that the plasma ball is gonna make it?? It just isn’t clear enough with it’s effect. Anyway, my thoughts are going into a separate doc that is linked to the primary design doc if you’re curious. It feels like really radical progress even though there hasn’t been a major break through yet. Lots to test and learn.

CM stuff woven in, nothing major.

Spending hours in the doc is a lot. To stare at word doc and tell myself to have good ideas. It’s working though!?

Project #14 Day #383

Project #14 Day #381