Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #9 Day #15

6 hours, half way through time. I feel comfortable being half way done with this project. I'm about to enter bug fixing hell but everything is holding together better than it ever has. I have plans for how everything going forward is going to work too. Not that they'll work, but is nice to have ideas. In a bit of rush today, so maybe I can evaluate where I'm at a little better tomorrow. 

Mimics are in and done. They instantiate out of mimic chest. They track player movement and follow the path of the player at a speed determined by the player's distance traveled. They also carry 300% of a chest's worth which they drop if the player survives the hit, or if the player can out run them for 3 seconds at which point they collapse, attacks also work. They have a 1 second delay before moving that would be an animation if I was a time wizard. There are also followers. They have the same basic movement behavior as mimics, however followers don't don't have a fixed life time and don't drop money. They exist deactivated on the ground, when the player stands adjacent they instantiate and after a 1 second delay follow the path of the player at a speed set on the deactivated object. When moving, if the follower is lead over a receiver, a tile modifier, they will be shut down on that tile and become a harmless obstacle. There are some issues with how the player takes damage. I doing damage 3 different ways right now and I've decided to move all the damage dealing a calc on the player script. The player script will detect collisions with enemies, see if it should be one shot, then take damage, check to see if it lived, and if it did live, it will effect the enemy it collided with. I'm in the process of pulling this together, to be concluded tomorrow.

Project #9 Day #16

Project #9 Day #14