Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #8 Day #3

8 hours, fits and starts with goals for the day met. Work on menus continues today. I have drilled down to the map select menu, in the forth layer, once that is done I'll start working on the game part of this whole thing.

Late yesterday I realized my problem was with the functionality of Unity's default buttons. Today I a made a script to handle button colors correctly. Learned about formatting event systems in scripts. Fixed an issue where the first menu wouldn't change colors correctly when clicked, but all subsequent menus would were fine. My old menu navigation system revolved around activating and deactivating menus, this caused complications around provoking a slide from the text each time a menu was accessed. To solve this I now instantiate and destroy my prefab menus. Made the map selection menu. Its buttons are correctly sized and spaced. They highlight approximately correctly. Began considering the pallet swapping portion of this game. Began assigning objects color from the current pallet instead of individually. Map selection buttons refer to the pallet, Menu backgrounds refer to the pallet and buttons when hovered refer to the pallet. Non-hovered buttons have a sort of low rez darkening filter over them, I'll need to figure out how to recreate or approximate it.

Project #8 Day #4

Project #8 Day #2