8 hours, solid progress. A lot of these tasks that I got done today seemed like they could take hours a piece but came together much faster. Pleased with the progress today after a couple of disrupted days.
The index variable used in tracking progress through path following was not resetting every time follow path was called. This created instances where move commands that had traveled through many nodes could be interrupted by a new move command that would occasionally allow the player to path through geometry because the index indicated that it was farther along the path than it should be. Fixed the way that simply path was allowing corner cutting to reappear. Got a grasp on the difference between binary and human convenience numbers as pertains to LayerMasks in Unity. Giving the player an attack command and then a move command to unreachable terrain caused the player to path to the attack target. This issue was alleviated by causing move commands issued to unreachable spaces to identify the closet reachable tile and make that node the move target. Fixed alternating commands of move and attack allowing the player to get around the auto attack cool down period.