8 hours, uniting the phase sets.
The gate disassembles nicely for the save phase. Made a second type of pick up that flies at the the floor platform after touching the spawner spawner without crashing the game (that was fun). Slightly randomized the movement of these pick ups. The tails on all fake pick ups linger correctly.
The save phase now has all its nice bars and delays, feels pretty good. The field shrinks then is pushed back out to the standard size by the arrival of fake pick ups from the disassembled gate. Creates a nice bridge into the old game play.
Tinkering with field size across pre-save phase 1 phases.
When the save phase completes, that the player has hit this landmark is recorded in the save data.
You can pause without having entered game play through a menu.
Adjusted critical data door flash frequency to be more legible.