Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #84

8 hours, floor and launch states.

The floor's progress indication pulse move out in a wave from the center.

Created increasing probability that a flier will use a launcher for path acceleration rather than making it a certainty. If an improved path via launcher is found during the calculations that occur every 0.25 seconds, there is a 10% chance that the flier will take advantage of it. This means that the longer a flier is out on the field, the more likely it is to leverage a launcher. It also means that there are mixed empowered and normal fliers which are more fun to engage with than a stream of empowered fliers.

Changed the nature of the launch bomb. When LMB is held during a launch, a expanding circle is scanned for damageable targets. These are damaged on each scan instead of on release. This reduces the aggravation of fliers bouncing off the player and out of the bomb scan and enables the hover duration to be decreased.

Reworked and cleaned how jump and fire commands are processed by the character. As a result I have made it so that when a launch hover is used the player is dropped out of the launch arc if they cancel the hover before the duration ends. If the duration ends, they are recalculated onto the launch path.

To make this feel reasonable I've tuned the duration of the hovers associated with the 3 launch options, more tuning to come.

Tuned empower npc speeds.

Project #14 Day #85

Project #14 Day #83