8 hours, npc launched mechanics.
Created empowered states for walkers, fliers and lurkers. Walkers move at 200% speed. Fliers and lurkers move at 200% speed and have a 600% increased homing velocity. These buffs are gained permanently when they are interact with the launch functionality of launching an actor on hit.
Enemy projectiles (shots from shooter and turrets) now rebound off launchers as well.
Walkers, fliers, lurkers, plasma projectiles, laser projectiles, primary projectiles, shooter projectiles and turret projectiles all have a glow associated with the empowerment gained via launch.
Projectiles will gain properties for interacting with launchers. Primary projectiles can be re-shot post launch to extend the lifetime of the launcher (attempting to spin this off into its own actor).
Actually fixed small junk getting stuck under falling walker spawn junk creating an extended firing of the launch particle effect.
Tuned the sizing of what walker spawner junk will wait to be clear of the player before falling.
Came up with launched projectile interactions.