8 hours, enemy empowered projectile states.
Empowered turret projectile and empowered flying shooter projectile are in and largely rewritten. Each will pop up in a short 2 second arc when hitting a launcher. If shot during the pop, the projectiles will fly back to strike their shooter with increased damage (these projectiles home). The turret projectile also explodes on reaching it's shooter. If the flying shooter projectile touches back on the launcher it will undergo a standard lob to the launcher goal. If the turret projectile retouches it explodes with enough damage to kill the player and destroys the launcher.
Turrets and flying shooters aim at the player's feet to make hitting launchers more likely.
Created and deleted a tag system to detect when a corrupt object connected with a triggering object. Because this leads to the triggering objects death it was a mess. Now all corrupt projectile triggering is done on the triggering objects so things are deleted in an order UE likes.
All projectiles check for targets with overlap now instead of having to handle different projectile's hitboxs in different ways. Overlap is also used to check for if the projectile should die from contact. I'm not sold on that being great, but it came to be while I was working.
Pick up gets empowered from launch. Doubled homing acceleration and they can no longer die from being ignored.
Error trashing.