Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #11 Day #11

6 hours, bugs, spells and the last minion. Taking tomorrow off, its been 11 days. I'd hardly noticed, this one has been fun.

Spell growth is in and so the minion that is attached to. Chakri avatar gains +1/+1 every time its owner plays a spell. The means that all the minions are complete. Spells can no longer be cast without targets to strike. Fixed Mist Dragon highlighting too many positions. This was caused by there being no node highlight refresh after the teleport target was selected. Healing mystic can heal anything now. Fixed right clicking not updating card highlights. Provoke now limits attack targets for ranged minions. Three tiles are now mana wells at the start of the game. Moving a unit into one of these spaces consumes the mana there and grants the player one additional mana to use this turn. Ranged units fixed to allow them to attack when not provoked. Provokers no longer provoke their friends. Attacking from the attack state lead to trouble because of cursor state issues, now fixed.

Project #11 Day #12

Project #11 Day #10