Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

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Project #12 Day #28

7 hours, bugs!

Q bonus damage does not proc Challenge multiple times. I thought this was a cool thing to do, but in actuality he doesn't need it and it makes the proc gathering less visible. Thrill stacks associated with a target are refreshed when the target is affected by a spell during its thrill duration. Attack speed debuffs expiring were having permanent negative effects on the champion's attack speed, that's fixed. Buffs that are not active on a target cannot be removed from the target. Previously, if remove debuff was called, the passed buff's effects would be removed regardless of whether it was on the target to begin with. This lead to problems with refreshing buffs and buffs that had multiple termination conditions. Xin no longer gains one too many thrill stacks when attacking large targets. The list of targets Xin is currently thrilled by correctly removes objects that are no longer associated with Thrill stacks on Xin Zhao. I basically rewrote the passive, it was a nightmare. E dash changed to ensure that the AoE will always damage the target. Health and Mana bars more visible. 

Project #12 Day #29

Project #12 Day #27