Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #13 Day #8

7 hours, spawner issues and lurking. Revenge of the 3D math, gonna have to refresh my self on linear algebra again?

There is now a max # of basic flying units that can be on screen at once, considering setting up ways to break this max. It corresponds to the number of flyer spawners currently alive. Flyers clear on player respawn. Walker spawners reworked. Consistant production of children. Hitzone on the bottom of the retooled tower, requires player to get close. Each spawner doesn't contribute to a larger max pool but can only have a certain number of children. Children know their spawner (useful later). Started work on the lurking flyers. They know when they are on screen for the player. When on screen their basic homing behavior is broken, off screen it returns. Working on an orbiting movement pattern for when they are on screen.

Project #13 Day #9

Project #13 Day #7