Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #13 Day #12

8 hours, flying shooter and walker functionality.

Much easier today. The flying shooter,  is damageable and destroyable. Its movement has been buffed out, fixed a bunch to trash, not worth getting into. New targeting. If both projectile spawn points has a clear line of sight to the player firing starts. Flying shooter projectiles can be shot out of the air. Collision issues with spawners are fixed. Projectiles have a max lifespan. The player detects if it should be grabbed by a walker itself rather than having the walker tell it. Because of this the player stays grabbed if it destroys a walker but was grabbed by two. If a player, is grabbed by more than one walker they take damage over time. If the player is damaged and has not been hit for a time the player's health regenerates.

Project #13 Day #13

Project #13 Day #11