Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #13 Day #13

7 hours, readability and gun functionality.

Learned a bit about materials. Made some for the vulnerable locations on spawners and lit them. Redid the tracking on the fire input. Separated the actions of a click and hold. A click will fire a blast of projectiles on mouse up. If the player holds fire they will fire a stream. Fixed issue of each press generating a blast followed by a consistent stream. Solved some physics setting disagreements. Changed the game start to be less hectic. Started pacing the game with different spawn functions starting as different game durations. Sped up and randomized the time between walker spawns. Increased period between waves of flyers from spawners. 

Project #13 Day #14

Project #13 Day #12