7 hours, materials, basic flyer and gun behavior.
Material fun. Learning how unreal works with transparency, reflections, etc. Gun blast places its ability shoot on a 0.5 second cool down. Calling timer on fire also calls fire, this reduces lag on shooting in a big way, feels a lot better. Blast is now more efficient point blank than holding fire. Blast has a consistent projectile count, no more counting how long has gone without firing. You can create collision channels in unreal, oh hell yea. Basic flyer moves at a consistent speed. This keeps them faster, allows me to make them turn harder. Dodging them now creates a little time before they are a threat again because they must take a wide turn. This also groups them up more, which is good, makes them easier to deal with. Forced max speed also means they don't force full stops on each other when they collide which was causing small numbers of them to make hard turns at the player randomly. Stopped walkers from getting hung up on spawner legs. Delayed first walker spawn.