Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #13 Day #47

8 hours, phases and readability.

Phase 13 is in, flyer spawners and walker spawners running interference for shooters. Phase 14, revenge of the turret ring with walker spawners and flyer spawners. Flyer spawners hit their enraged state one spawn rotation earlier to make it more threatening (it is still never happening in my play but that's probably fine, they area already the most threatening enemy pre-enrage in the game). Fixed firing the laser under certain conditions causing it to register a hit without any target for dealing damage leaving it floating in space. The blocker legs on walker spawners are always visible to increase walker spawner visibility on instantiation and remove the frustration of invisible objects blocking shots. Homing projectiles idle lower so the player doesn't think they are vanishing without effect. Huge shiny weapon flash on upgrade, this cannot be interrupted by the smaller pick up gather weapons flashes.

Project #13 Day #48

Project #13 Day #46