Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #33

9 hours, small junk and bugs.

Pick ups should no longer be able to spawn in the floor, the default position is now above it. Flyer spawner junk is only damageable once it has become static. The player's velocity is completely recalculated when exiting a hover state back into the launched state because inconsistencies were appearing. Spent a HOT minute debugging this so that players stopped flying off into oblivion. Destroying small enemies creates a new type of junk, small junk. Small junk bounces and is drawn toward WS junk. When it touches WS junk it is launched, is granted a particle effect and upon its next hit on something other than WS junk it will fade out over a few seconds. WS junk now has a particle effect that gestures toward its function.

Project #14 Day #34

Project #13 Day #32