Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #103

8 hours, portal redesign.

It isn't clear to what end the player is collecting pick ups. I have outlined a grips of new functionality to add to the portal in hopes of highlighting it's presence, and using it to better represent the goals of the game.

Created new materials for the inner and outer walls of the portal. These new materials are by default a green wire frame. The material can then be faded in to have the material of the completed block take over the material.

The starting portal fully implements these materials. By default only the outer wall is visible in it's wire frame state. These blocks fade up individually in sequence from a list that populates as the threshold for blocks is hit. When the entire first layer is complete, the inner layer appears as wire frame and fills in the same way. Lastly the door expands out from the center (new door material forthcoming).

Big game mode variable organization and clean up.

Game mode has a sense of what phase sequence the player is in. We will use this to determine what wire frames are being shown and what layer is being filled in when the player grabs pick ups.

Project #14 Day #104

Project #14 Day #102