Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #179

8 hours, secondary communication space.

Added a secondary text zone and progress bar to the HUD for communicating short term goals. In the process of implementing it tracking pick ups in section 1 after the introduction with the primary comms space.

HUD pass on section 0, making sure that the HUD is appearing as it should.

General HUD improvements and cleaning. Feature and feature are now less dependent on hard coded location data. The threat tracker and stage timer are on by default and section 0 toggles them off. Now using the power percent as a secondary method of displaying player health, it displays player power * % health remaining. Element location. Threat tracker material calculations are now placed on a timer and cleared as the element is made visible and invisible.

Suddenly the HUD is feeling slender.

Project #14 Day #180

Project #14 Day #178