8 hours, particles and parameters.
A good deal of design document work done. I'm starting to sell myself on the document thing. The more I work on it the more ideas become explicit and tacklable, which is the whole point, but I can feel it, and it feels good.
Working on a visual indication of the primary projectile fall off damage. This has lead me to learn how to adjust parameters on particle effects. The projectiles fade from blue to red, they now have a particle effect going through the same color transition, with a spawn rate that increases as the projectile gets further away and breaks apart. Still more to do on it and more to learn how to do in Cascade.
Fixed the turret health bar again and again. Applied a set of changes to the personal HUD elements once more. HUD elements are only added to the viewport if they will be rendered on the screen, this should solve HUD elements getting rendered at the viewport origin.
Verified that a run from section 0 to section 3 works. That took a while, oops. Save went well, even though not all the storage and display elements are in yet.