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Project #14 Day #185

8 hours, managing save data.

‘PickUpPhaseOfOrigin’ Array tracks PU collected by matching their Phase of Origin to the index value of the array. This way we do not need to sort the array when we save the values, they are already sorted, and we can just load this array into the Game mode when we load phase data. It’s so much better this way.

‘PhaseSaveData’ Renamed to ‘PhaseEndSaveData’. Phase Save Data Array organizes its data by matching the array index to the phase value that this phase data was taken from the end of bricking a ton of references to this data, but I swear its better this way. Moved the phase increment from before phase data save to after phase data save so that the data is technically pulled from the end state of the phase, not marked as being owned by the phase that the data describes to opening state of.

Pulled calls for respawn player off the player and moved them to the game mode.

Figured out how to deal with array sizing and storing data in an array for save, stopped these arrays from getting crushed, using resizing arrays to delete data from later phases when resetting back, etc.

Cleaning and fixing functionality due to this new way of storing data. A lot of fixing the phase loads. But Data seems to be saving a lot more consistently now.

PU collected array clears at start of Sec 0 P 2 to stop the player from entering section 1 with data stating they have gathered two PU (from sec 0 p 0).

Project #14 Day #186

Project #14 Day #184