Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #186

8 hours, managing save data.

Looks like I've got it now. Solved an issue where if the player died and respawned in a phase the phase split saved on phase completion would be the same duration as the section split. Solved an issue where some bad load placements were causing the first full save after the save data was wiped (or fresh boot of the game) caused the game not to properly save.

Made some nice generic save test functions for the game mode, one for run one for prac. These are not implemented across all phases yet but are functioning as intended for section 1. These functions will allow me to not have save conditions be tied to portal completion and make trouble shooting easier. Section 1 checks against the sum of the player collected pick up array's components.

Incomplete performances no longer have their phase saved into run data. Gave death tracking saves from full continuity saves their own functions. Having these combined is more trouble than its worth.

Run mode pause menu lets the player reset their current section.

Resequenced respawning the player so that the portal exists when the save is executed.

Changed how declining save phase reset works. Misc fixes.

Project #14 Day #187

Project #14 Day #185