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Project #14 Day #236

8 hours, run checkpoint tutorial draft.

Tested out saving and loading run checkpoints and the core functionality works. Seems like there are some interesting loop holes but I'm not sure that is necessarily a problem.

Created a small loop within section 1 first run where the player is asked to create a checkpoint and then load it. Lot's of text that I don't like yet. I feel like the concept is too complicated to elegantly explain with screen text, without me giving more time than I want to give right now.

The player no longer gets the benefit of practice check pointing in section 1 Run.

When a phase save is made while the player is launched, if the player is in a hover their velocity is saved as their speed pre-hover. This feels better than loading in with the hover speed in the air and falling to the ground slowly.

The player cannot run checkpoint in section 0.

Whenever the phase data would clear, the run checkpoint data is cleared as well.

Project #14 Day #237

Project #14 Day #235