8 hours, AI tweaks.
Improved walker target selection further so that they are targeting the player unjustly less frequently, but it is still not perfect.
Improved turret base potency but I have made is so that turret projectile cares about time dilation.
Swarmers and walkers throw fewer errors after the player dies. Swarmers now coverage rapidly on the player if one member of a flock hits the player. This is causing them to be more predicable in a way I think is good, but maybe slightly less interesting. It opens up some design space. Made swarmer flocks tighter.
Got lost in cleaning up some of the save manager as I looked for why loading a save phase in run was failing to load valid data.
A good bunch of worldly organization and a good bit of thinking about how I can refine the threats in section two.
Limited SM work, a very honest 8 hours.