Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #375

7 hours, sim functionality.

Tweaking little visibility options to get menus and what not ready to be loosely playable by a normal human.

Solved some smaller pause menu issues around how it was offering load points.

A lot of play menu tweaks to bring it in line with new values.

Got the wario ware simulation mode working for Section 2 Gun 1. And that’s cool. Section 2 Gun 2 shouldn’t take too much more work and that’s all I need running for the demo.

Stressing out a lot. Design doc work and some little website tweaks. I cannot wait to get this old footage down, I hate it.

SM at the top of the day, planning to extend my days this week with it as much as I can instead of interrupting work so that I can meet my goal of putting up playable at the end of this week / start of the next.

Project #14 Day #376

Project #14 Day #374