8 hours, recreating Arena floor with c++.
Where I track my Progress and logged hours.
Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.
8 hours, recreating Arena floor with c++.
8 hours, made it.
9.5 hours, one more day.
8 hours, I think I’ll make it.
8 hours, still alive.
10 hours, test.
8 hours, you know what it is.
8 hours, testing.
8 hours, this is only a test.
8 hours, T e s t i n g.
8 hours, test it up.
8 hours, test test test!
8 hours, Tmap.
8 hours, floor to hex, hex to floor.
8 hours, rebuilding the arena.
8 hours, tiles are actors.
8 hours, floor tiles should be actors.
8 hours, hex grid math.
8 hours, got some functions going.
8 hours, got a struct up and running.